terms and conditions

Community action


Skywalker Enterprise is committed to growth and develoment, which is why we constantly grow community interactions and outreach programmes which aim to solve different issues from exchange of valuable industry tactics to financial help for different needs. We do this through our CSI inititive called Hand In Hand, where we facilitate donations for different causes. 

SkywalkerSkywalker Enterprise is committed to growth and develoment, which is why we constantly grow community interactions and outreach programmes which aim to solve different issues from exchange of valuable industry tactics to financial help for different needs. We do this through our CSI inititive called Hand In Hand, where we facilitate donations for different causes.  Enterprise receives letters requesting assitance or identifies needs, raise funds from donors and distribute to the needy. 

Hand In Hand is our latest fundraising inititaive which makes a different in the lives of those in need. Participants send an email to support@skywalker.co.za, stating their need and Skywalker Enterprise will endeavour to fulfil that needs from the funds raised from the smses sent to the short code sms number.